Thursday, September 10, 2009

Welcome to AP Literature

Good evening.

Let me formally welcome you all to AP lit. I am excited to begin a new year, and have heard great things about all of you from your former teachers. It is a great pleasure to work with such gifted and dedicated students, and I humbled by the opportunity. The year ahead will likely be a challenging one for you, but with great challenges comes great rewards.

I will use this blog on a daily basis to keep you apprised of any changes or alterations to the schedule, or any goings-on, which I may have failed to mention in class. I will also use it to post homework assignments and friendly reminders about due dates, upcoming work, and administrative tasks. Please be sure to log in every day to check for updates.

Once again, welcome. I am eager to get started and look forward to a productive year ahead.

Monday, April 20, 2009

Homework 4/20

Good afternoon. I hope that you all had a restful break and are ready to work hard over the next three weeks. For tonight's homework, I would like you to read Coleridge's poem, "Kubla Khan." This is an extremely famous poem, and one for which I hope you develop an appreciation. Please attempt to employ one of the strategies from class today to help break the poem down. These are designed to help you when you get to the actual exam. In the end, you will use what works for you. Umberto Eco claimed in "Six Walks in the Fictional Woods," that "every text is a lazy machine asking the reader to do some of its work." So, you have to do the work to get the "lazy machine" to operate.

As far as some of the upcoming assignments, please be prepared to spend at least half the day (if not more) working on AP prep. This may include entire days of working in the AP prep guides, or having free periods to meet with you individually and allow you to develop your own study guides and lessons. In other words, you need decide what your weaknesses are. We will discuss tomorrow in class. Have a good night.

Thursday, April 16, 2009

Essay for Frankenstein

Hello. I hope that you are enjoying the break thus far. At this point, you should all have finished the story. While I disagree with one student's theory that knowing the prompt is needed to guide the reading, I do appreciate one's desire to know the assignment for one's own peace of mind. I do apologize for not posting some reading guides as promised. I was literally out of touch with technology until late last night. I will attach a link to Shelley so that you can have a chance to check it out before Monday. 

Here is the assignment. In a well-organized, two page essay, please respond to the following:

Mary Shelley's story raises serious issues about the pros and cons of the progress of science.  It also addresses the classic literary conflict between passion (desire for something) and responsibility ( a moral duty). Write an essay in which you discuss Shelley's short novel as it relates to the above issues. In what ways does Shelley's story act as a warning for man? What elements or devices help Shelley convey her message(s)? How does the story present a universal theme? Moral dilemma for society?

If you have questions, or concerns, please email me, comment here. Enjoy the rest of your break. The next few days actually look nice.

Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Homework 4/7

Good evening. For tonight, I would like you to read William Wordsworth's "Lines Composed a Few Miles Above Tintern Abbey" (link provided). Please read the poem and use today's handout as a guide to understanding the basics. You should print it out and analyze it for meaning, paying special attention to the use of literary devices. Be prepared to discuss the poem with a partner and as a whole group tomorrow. In addition, we may  get a chance to work with the Hamlet essays in class.

When we return from break, I am going to assign additional poems by each author. Your job will be to locate, print, and read three additional poems by each author we explore in class. You will keep a journal of these poems and analyze each. I will provide you with a handout on the assignment when we return. Since we have read William Blake, you should begin by finding three additional poems by him and read them over the break. I will discuss in class tomorrow. 

In addition, I will once again put you in groups, and your group will be responsible for leading a class discussion on an author and one or two of his/her poems. Again, this will begin after the break.

Finally, for break homework, you will be reading Frankenstein. I will provide you with links and criticism. Your assignment will be a two page essay that will be due the day we return from spring break. This will be provided within the first few days of the vacation.

have a good night

Monday, April 6, 2009

Homework 4/6

For homework tonight, I would like you to read the handout on the Romantic Period. While reading, please annotate the text. This should help us begin to understand the mindset of the poets of that time. Please read William Blake's "The Chimney Sweeper" and "Introduction." Annotate the poems. I have attached the poems to the blog. Please bring a copy with you to class.

Also, begin to organize your work for the AP exam. Gather materials, study aids, handouts, flash cards, etc. Begin making a schedule for yourself. You should be studying and practicing your writing each night. Have a good night.

Sunday, April 5, 2009

Sunday Comments

I apologize for not posting Friday. This has been a crazy weekend, and I was literally out the entire time. In any case, just a reminder about the Hamlet logs. As you know they are due tomorrow. So, I hope that you had a chance to work on them this weekend. 

As far as next week goes, it is going to be a a short one. I will probably assign a book over the break. I am not sure what it will be, but it will be short and it manageable for the 11 day break. We will discuss tomorrow. Also, please remember to type up your timed write. We will do some work on that essay tomorrow. 

Okay, that's it, see you tomorrow. Enjoy the last few hours of your weekend. 

Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Homework 4/1

For this evening, I will not assign any homework to be due tomorrow. However, you should be working on your log for Hamlet. The due date for this assignment is Monday, April 6th. I do not want to accept late work for this, so please work hard to get it completed by then. Tomorrow, we will do some additional work for Hamlet during period 5 and move to a timed write for period 6. I will assign the final I.R. book next week and we will begin a new unit soon. Have a good night.

Monday, March 30, 2009

Homework 3/30

First of all, let me thank the group for presenting today and giving a well-planned interpretation of the scene. I know it was not easy to do this with so few class members contributing to the discussion portion. As I have stated many times, it is absolutely essential that you be prepared for class. I had the feeling, that many of you were not. It was nice to have Mr. Marx give an interactive presentation of the scene as well. It seems like it would be a fun way to teach Hamlet.

For this evening, please read the first part of 5.2. We will not do much with it tomorrow, but we will finish up with 5.1 and do a timed write on Hamlet. I will also give you the rest of the answers to the M/C so that you can add them to your tracking sheet. For Wednesday, both groups presenting should be prepared to present.

When we are finished with Hamlet, we will possibly get to see a version of it, especially for those who did not make it to the play. Have a good night. We will be starting a new Independent reading assignment soon. 

Saturday, March 28, 2009

Weekend Homework: 3/28/-3/29

For this weekend, I would like you to read act 5 scene 1. There is a group presenting Monday, and I have asked Mr. Marx to come in and lead a class discussion on the scene. So, please be prepared with ideas, questions, and comments, as Marx is doing this as a favor, and on his time off. So, let's be prepared.

Thanks to all who came out to the play last night. I hope you enjoyed it. My class was extremely mature and responsible and excellent representatives of the school. For those who will see it next week, I think it will be an enjoyable experience for you. It is a treat to see these classically trained actors perform these rich scenes live and a mere eight feet away. 

We will finish up Hamlet next week, and then re-visit some key scenes and and focus on some key ideas from the play. I will have some handouts as well as some additional information for us to review. We will also, begin to look forward to the poetry unit and more focus on the exam. We are definitely winding down. Have a good weekend.

Thursday, March 26, 2009

Homework 3/26

Good afternoon, I realize that tonight is parent/teacher night in the city, but I do need you to read 4.7 for homework. We have a group presenting and we need to be prepared to discuss the literature with them.

Thanks to all for the participation during the early part of the class. I think Mr. Marx enjoyed the discussion and was impressed with all of your insight and critical thought. Please continue to bring your ideas with you to class.

Finally, please make sure to read the handouts that I gave you today. These are important materials as you prepare for the test. It does you no good not to give full attention to the essays and explanations, as their sole purpose is to illuminate possible problem areas and deficiencies in your own writing, and to give you privileged insight into the minds of the AP readers. Pleae give them the consideration they deserve. Have a good night. See some of you later.

Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Homework 3/25

Thanks to today's group for presenting. Very insightful and creative. Good class discussion followed. Nicely done. For the others, it is your responsibility - as well as a class requirement - to contribute to the discussions. A large part of any AP class is the opportunity for academic discourse. This is what you signed on for. Please continue to come prepared to discuss.

For this evening, I would like you to read the very short 4.6. We will have an activity in class tomorrow. In addition, please hand in the Genesis work I asked you to do the other night. Some handed it in, but I do not think it was officially collected. 

We will spend the second period tomorrow working on the rest of the multiple choice. 

On Friday, we will only have 38 minutes together, not really enough time to do anything in depth. I will ask that the group presenting 4.7 to still plan to present. If we begin immediately, we should be able to get it in. It is not an extremely long scene. Do your best. If a large number of students will not be in attendance, I will have to make a change. Have a good night.

Monday, March 23, 2009

Homework 3/23

For tonight, I would like you to read the handout on Genesis 1-4. You should conduct a close reading of the the text and do you best to consider it as literature. Once you have read it, I would like you to write about the biblical allusions we have seen so far in Hamlet. What biblical allusions can you identify in in the play? Please find as many as you can, record them on separate paper, and bring them in for discussion tomorrow. We will work on that, 4.4 and regroup to work on more multiple choice questions. I will put the answers up tomorrow. Have a good evening.

Sunday, March 22, 2009

Late Work and grades

I hope that all is well and that you have all read 4.1, 4.2, and 4.3. Please be prepared for the second presentation and subsequent discussion in class tomorrow. 

I encourage all of you to look at your snapgrades and evaluate it for accuracy. If I have made a mistake, I need to know about it. It is unacceptable to see the kind of grades that I am seeing for this marking period. The problem with not doing your work when it is assigned is that the work you hand in late tends to be weak, rushed, and merely an inadequate substitute for what should have been a well organized and provocative response to literature. While this is not always the case, it does seem that, more often than not, it is. Just handing in "something" may be the barometer by which we measure success in a regular class, but in AP lit. much more is expected of you . Your education is your responsibility. You will get out of it exactly what you put in. In addition, I simply do not have the time to assess your work carefully and adequately.

While I understand that an occasional missed assignment is necessary, receiving an entire body of work at the end of a marking period is really unacceptable. It does neither of us any good to do our work this way.

If you are failing, please see me tomorrow. Grades are due Tuesday morning. I will have to call parents and discuss this, but I would prefer to discuss it with you first.  

Thursday, March 19, 2009

Homework 3/19

First of all, I want to thank Judith, Jasmine, Lorin, and Priyal. They gave an excellent presentation and ran a lively and informative class discussion. You really set the bar high. The next group will present Act 4 scenes, 1,2,&3 on Monday.

For tonight, please read 4.1. We will not discuss Hamlet in class tomorrow. Rather, we will do reading logs for the first part of the class and the second half will be spent on a 37 question multiple choice diagnostic based on Hamlet. So, please bring your logs and be prepared to work. I am not offering a free period, but rather a chance to use class time to get caught up on your Hamlet logs. I may even try to do writing conferences during period 5. 

Still many who have not paid the AP fee. Please see me if you cannot pay it tomorrow. Have a good night. NCAA tournament started today. Enjoy.

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Homework 3/18

Tonight's homework is to read 3.4 in Hamlet. Tomorrow, we will Have a presentation from the first group. They will present 3.4. For the rest of us, please read the scene closely, and be prepared to contribute to a lively discussion with the presenting group. The presenters are not the only people with a responsibility. The rest of the class has an obligation to come prepared and ready to discuss the literature. For tomorrow, we will switch the periods around, so that Hamlet will be discussed in period 6. The first part of the class will be spent working with your essays or doing AP prep. 

A few other things. If you look back at the post from 3/9 you will see that I asked for the next five reading cards to be turned in by today. Since I did not remind you, I will extend that out until Friday. If you do not have five, do what you can. Thanks. 

Lastly, for those who have not paid for the AP exam, the last day to do so is Friday. Please see me tomorrow of you have not already paid. I have a list and there are more than a few names on it. Remember, if you do not take the exam, we need to start talking research paper. I am assuming that you are planning to pay, or waiting to see if you qualify for free. Just do me a favor and see me tomorrow and let me know. Thanks. Have a good night.

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Homework 3/17

Happy St. Patrick's day. For tonight, I am not assigning additional reading. Please get caught up. Rather, I would like you all to start thinking about your presentation scene. Consider what task to choose, and how you might approach it. I have a group presenting 3.4 on Thursday. I Thank that group for agreeing to present on such short notice. Your acceptance "shall receive such thanks As fits a king's remembrance." Have a good night.

Monday, March 16, 2009

Homework 3/16

Good evening. For this evening's homework, I would like you to read act 3 scene 3. We will try to discuss 3.2 and 3.3 in class tomorrow. For the second part of the class we will conduct a timed write.

A few thoughts about the AP exam and the in-class writing tasks. Some students conveyed some concerns about the writing assignments and their ultimate purpose. The concerns were that the focus seemed to be more on quantity rather than quality, and that they did not feel their writing was improving as a result of writing many papers. I can appreciate your concerns and imagine many feel the same way. It is always difficult to determine the best way to prepare for an exam. For a writing exam, it proves to be much more complex, because student deficiencies are diverse and often very different. I am working to find a balance, and provide you with the best test prep that I can. Much of our writing improvement comes from a personal dedication to the craft, and a determination on the individual's part to write better. While I feel that writing requires a lot of practice - and so I assign a  lot of practice essays - I do agree that there needs to be a balance between writing and analyzing our strengths and weaknesses as writers. To that end, I will work on finding quality assignments that accomplish just that. 

One additional thought. I realize that this is all overwhelming, and many of you feel the stress of your tests beginning to bear down. I also realize that the feedback you get on your writing is mostly negative. Let me just say that you are all very good writers. You wouldn't be in this class if you were not. You should all be proud of what you have accomplished over the years, and to be quite honest, you have all written something that has impressed me over the last eight months together. The comments I make are meant to help you improve, so they tend to focus on the mistakes, careless errors, etc. That doesn't mean you can't write, it just means all papers - including teachers' papers - need improvement. Anyway, we will discuss tomorrow.

Friday, March 13, 2009

Weekend Homework: 3/13-3/15

Hello, for this weekend please complete I.R. project #3. Then, please read the rest of 3.1 and all of 3.2 Pretty short read. Thanks.

Next week we will do several timed writes as well as a couple days of multiple choice. Between this and the readings, we will be busy. I will also begin to assign the group projects and will hand that out Monday. Have a good weekend. 

Thursday, March 12, 2009

Homework 3/12


For this evening, I would like you to re-read the ending soliloquy in the 2.2. Then, interpret the meaning of the text. After a long scene, with so much going on, what is on Hamlet's mind? Did he just give a performance? Is he really crazy? What does he have to say? For those who did not read the scene entirely, please do so tonight. Tomorrow, we will discuss the soliloquy and the finer points of 2.2. If there is time, we will read some of 3.1 together in class. 

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Homework 3/11

First of all, thank you all for your cooperation this afternoon. I appreciate the courtesy I was extended during my speech to the class. I do believe that this will benefit us all in the long run.

Now, for homework. Please read 2.2 this evening. It is a long scene with a lot going on. Pay attention to how R&G are brought to spy on Hamlet, How Claudius and Polonius plan to use Ophelia, What Voltemand has to say about the king of Norway, How Hamlet twists words of others, the underlying feelings Hamlet has for R&G, and what Polonius sees as the cause of Hamlet's madness. 

Tomorrow, I will show the scene in class and we will break it up into segments. We will see who is on stage, and what each person is doing.  Then, we will discuss the scene. Have a good night.

Please check snapgrades for accuracy. At this point, mostly everything is in. There are a few things to grade, but not much. If you are missing a lot of work, you should see me. For this marking period, your grade will be based on snapgrades, as well as attendance, participation, etc.  

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Homework 3/10

For this evening, I would like you to read 2.1 and look at the scene closely for class discussion. Beginning tomorrow, I will assign the first several groups scenes for interpretation and performance. I am considering revising the plan, as some have expressed an issue with performance based assignments. We will discuss tomorrow.

A few things to mention. The next I.R. book will not be assigned until after Hamlet. I know I used the words "shortly thereafter," but I did intend to wait. However, I do intend to get through Hamlet in a timely manner. The current I.R. assignment is due next week. 

Finally, a few thoughts. I know the end of the year is approaching and many of you are feeling the effects of spring fever. However, there is still plenty of work left to do. We have to prepare for the AP exam, finish Hamlet, a poetry unit, and other assignments to wind down the year. I see a lot of you "slacking" and I am going to request that you re-evaluate your priorities. Some distractions are expected, but there is a pervasive sense of indifference and entitlement taking over the class, and it really needs to discontinue. I am paying the price for treating the class as a college level course with flexible policies and procedures. I realize that it all starts with me, thus, I will make alterations as I see fit. Here are a few things to be addressed:

1. Excessive lateness 
2. Off task when working in groups
3. Long breaks. You - like all other students - get five minutes; not ten. If you cannot get                done what you need in that time, then do not attempt it.
4. Side conversations while I, or others, are talking.
5. Excessive absences.
6. Excessively leaving the class to take care of "college items," "other needs," school and                   non-school related.  

Let me introduce new policies for all:

1. Lateness is not acceptable and will not be tolerated. Your grade will be impacted.
    Please sign the late log when entering the class late.
2. 5 minute breaks. No longer. You must leave the room and return within that time    
            period. You do not have time to go to the store. Bring what you need.
3. You must ask to leave the room. Do not just walk out.

Lastly, I feel that the privileges that I've given you have been abused, and so I am taking them away. I apologize to those who have continued to honor and respect the system and the class by doing the responsible thing. Thank you. I really do not want to turn this into a regular class, but I feel I have no choice, but to enforce the rules with which all students must comply. Yes, that means AP students as well. Remember, this is not personal and I enjoy teaching your class, but I cannot, and will not, have students taking advantage of my good nature and flexibility. Thank you for your cooperation in the matter. I will address specific situations with specific people. Please feel free to see me personally with any individual concerns regarding this.

Monday, March 9, 2009

Homework 3/9

For some reason I thought that I assigned reading over the blog on Friday; I see here that I did not. In any case, I hope you all had an enjoyable weekend and are rested and ready to return to work. For tonight, please read 1.5, and come prepared tomorrow to talk about it. We will spend the first part of the class working with that scene, and the next part of the class doing a timed write. A 4o minute essay on Hamlets first soliloquy. be prepared to write a serious essay and not just a paragraph.

I am trying to switch the AP prep date for another Saturday. Please let me know when you are free. I.R. 3 is due on the 16th. I will assign another shortly thereafter. I would like you to work on the next 5 reading cards and turn them in by the 18th. If you do not have 5, do as many as you can. Have a good night.

Thursday, March 5, 2009

Homework 3/5

For this evening, I would like you to read 1.3 and 1.4. In addition, please conduct a close reading of Hamlet's first soliloquy. Read aloud several times. Paraphrase it in your own words. Make a note of signals in the language that give clues to Hamlet's innermost thoughts. For example, choice of words, construction of phrases, sequence of thoughts, etc. Does he hide behind puns? Explain. Due Tomorrow. 

Some additional thoughts. I suppose you will not want a lot of homework this weekend, so that you can enjoy the senior trip. I may just assign a short reading. We'll see. 

Bring in money for the Hamlet show if you are interested in seeing it. Marx needs to get the money in. 

I am still trying to plan a trip for Becket's play in April. Working on that. 

Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Tonight's HW

Sorry for the late post. Wednesday's are a rough day for me. As a result of this late post, I will not assign additional reading tonight. We will work on 1.2 tomorrow. Please do your very best to write the paragraph this evening. This should reflect an earnest effort on your part. Good night. 

Tuesday, March 3, 2009

HW 3/3/09


I hope you all enjoyed today's lesson. Mr. Marx really has an energy and enthusiasm for Hamlet. I asked Marx to come in to help kick off the play, and he did not disappoint. Thanks for your participation as well. It was enjoyable. 

For this evening, I would like you to read 1.2. In class tomorrow, we will have an opportunity to discuss the text itself. Unfortunately, as and AP class we have to consider the text from a literary standpoint with the emphasis on reading to write. We will, however, incorporate some of the theatrical strategies to help understand the play and its characters.

Ms. Yuen and Ms. Byrd will be in on Thursday to collect for the AP exams. Please bring your money (86 bucks, I believe) to school with you. Thanks again. We will work on the play tomorrow. Have a pleasant evening.

Friday, February 27, 2009

Weekend Homework


Let me revise this weekend's homework assignment. You can limit your reading to Act 1, Scene 1. Mr. Marx has offered to come in to do the lesson on "The Dumb Show," (part of the play within the play) and a critical reading of 1.1. He will discuss Shakespeare's use of language in the scene to establish setting. After all, in Shakespeare's day, they had no sets and very few props, so everything was done with language. This will be a treat for us.

Thanks to everyone for today. Even those who did not participate. You will get a chance later. It was an enjoyable lesson, and I was very impressed with all the skits. I lookl forward to doing more of this as the semester moves forward. Good job. Fun class today.

remember I.R. 3 is due on the 16th. So, no journals due on Monday. Remember to bring your money for the show. Thanks.

Wednesday, February 25, 2009


Good evening,

Thanks for enduring the tangential disquisition on conspiracy theories today. In the end, I believe the debate over authorship - while not critical in the ultimate enjoyment of the work - does have a place in class discussions. This academic debate has been raging for many years, and it is all part of an education. Occasionally, I take for granted that many of you have curiou, if not skeptical minds. Most intelligent people do. I hope it wasn't too painful. The moon landings ... well, I have no defense for that. It just interests me.

Tomorrow we will watch the conclusion of Shakespeare in Love. I hope you are finding it enjoyable. I consider it one of my favorite films. 

As per request, I am making all parts of your I.R. 3 due on March 16th. So, no journals on the 9th. Let me know if this poses a problem.

Mr. Marx will be in tomorrow to discuss the Hamlet trip. I have names and dates I will provide for you tomorrow. If you are no longer interested that is fine. If you are, "show me (really Marx) the money."

We will begin Hamlet soon. Bring your books.

Good night.

Tuesday, February 24, 2009



I apologize that I did not get to post earlier, but for those that check frequently, I wanted to give some notes on the task at hand. For this evening - or at some point tomorrow - try to familiarize yourselves with the characters of the play. You will want to know who's who, and begin to understand the relationships present in the play. You should also take a minute to look through the introduction, as it can often offer some insight into the edition itself, as well as the complex structure of the plot, and criticism. 

Tomorrow, we will watch a little more of Shakespeare in Love, as it is a great way to get us into the Elizabethan mood and thinking about the time period in which Shakespeare lived and wrote. It depicts life accurately and offers a glimpse into the hardships of life in the 16th and 17th centuries. 

Looking forward, I will assign more reading cards on Monday. Check your due dates for the I.R. assignment. I believe your journals are due March 9th, and your Questions/Passages March 16th. Check that out to make sure.

One final note. For those who have offered to assist me with grades (whom I have dubbed interns), please see me to discuss scheduling. I have a lot of work that needs to be entered into Snapgrades. And for anyone who is looking for work, I could certainly use the help. Please ask.

Monday, February 23, 2009

A Brief Note


I wanted to take a moment to pass along my condolences to those of you who knew Adham, and to those who - although did not know him - were impacted by the news of his tragic passing. Dealing with loss is never easy and it is especially hard when the loss is a young person in the prime of life. As a parent I can only imagine how difficult a situation this must be for the family, and how the loss of a child can produce grief to the point of paralysis. I am not insensitive to your feelings either. I know this is not easy for you. My thoughts are with you as you attempt to reconcile your feelings and deal with this tragic loss in your own way. Let me know if I can help you in any way. Have a good evening.

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Homework 2/6

For homework tonight, please complete the tragic hero handout we started in class today. Try to find a character who meets most of Aristotle's tragic hero characteristic requirements. Tomorrow we will work on some practical AP preparation. I may even be able to spend half the class showing Oedipus. We'll see. 

Some notes on the week(s) ahead:

It is likely that I will limit your break work to your I.R. #3. 

I am checking to see about going to Becket's play on Broadway. Not sure of all the details, but I will keep you posted. 

I will assign more reading cards after the break.

I will have the writing conferences sign-up after the break, as well as the unit schedule for Hamlet. 

Have a good night.

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Homework - 2/10

For this evening, you should take a few minutes to look over the handouts from class and look at the play through a psychoanalytic perspective. In thinking about the story, you should try to provide analysis based on a psychological evaluation of the characters. For example, Oedipus could have abandonment issues. Jocasta could have memory repression issues. After all, she did abandon a child - Oedipus. This is an event that could stay with someone for the rest of his/her life, and one we might want to forget. Jocasta has to live with what she did, and Oedipus as well. Is their behavior understandable? In addition, Jocasta denounces oracles in one scene and prays at the altar to Apollo in another. What is the psychology behind this behavior? We can mask our sorrow, but it is still there. How do the characters act as a result of their personality traits? If you did not complete this in class, you should do so at home tonight. We will do a little more with Freud tomorrow.

Make sure that you are keeping up with the work. The semester moves quickly.

Saturday, February 7, 2009

Weekend Homework: 2/6 - 2/8

For this weekend, please complete the play. Finish the questions if you did not get them done in class. Also, complete the Greek terms to know handout. There will be a quiz on Tuesday. Any other work you owe should be done as well. Reminder, your reading schedules are due Monday (the 9th). They should be typed.

Plan to discuss the text Monday and work in groups to discuss specifics. There will be an in class timed-write on Tuesday during the second part of the class.  

I am working on a schedule for Hamlet, but it is difficult to know how long it will take. Have a good weekend.

Thursday, February 5, 2009

Homework 2/5/09

For this evening's homework, I would like you to read the first half of Oedipus (roughly page 54). Be prepared to discuss the text in small groups tomorrow in class. Consider the dramatic irony found in your reading. Consider the structure of the play as well as Oedipus' qualities. Is he a tragic hero? You should also conduct a close reading of today's handouts and be prepared for a short quiz on the reading. Know the terms introduced in the lecture. 

Some of you still owe the Wilde timed write. 

We will begin choosing groups for student-led class discussions about the text soon. This will be similar to what you did early last year. Have a good night. 

Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Homework 2/4/09

Please complete the assigned timed-write for homework this evening. The essay prompt is here. 

Based on today's board notes, write an essay in which you explain how the author uses the contrasting country and city metaphor to illustrate the double lives being led by the characters in the play. Just do your best. 40 minutes.  

Complete your questions from Wilde as well. 

Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Welcome Back

Hello and welcome back. Today marked the first day of your last semester of high school. I hope you take a little time to reflect on your experiences over the last four years as you prepare to leave this part of your life behind. Before we get there, however, we must manage the tasks at hand. Since I discussed much of these in class today, I will not address them here. 

It was good to see you all this afternoon and I look forward to an outstanding semester ahead. Please know that it is my goal - and obligation - to help you achieve your personal and professional goals. Please do not hesitate to see me if you feel that you are in need of any additional support in these areas. 

Just a reminder, for homework, please complete the questions from today's group work. Also, tomorrow, please take a different seat in the classroom. I will provide a guide. Thank you for all your hard work and cooperation. It continues to be a pleasure to teach your class.

Tuesday, January 27, 2009


I am not sure if this will be seen, but I am writing to let several students know that I do not have their finals. I am not sure if they were taken home accidentally, or what, but I know that I do not have them. I am missing finals from: Ann-Marie, John Montoya, Tania Matias, Lorin Patterson, and maybe another student whom I can't recall. Check to see if you have it.

 Also, there are several of you who did not turn in the I.R. assignment. This is worth 250 points. If not turned in, this could damage a grade. If you did not speak to me regarding this matter then you will receive a zero for the assignment. If anyone sees this, perhaps you can forward it. If you are one of these people, please make an effort to get in touch with me. Otherwise, I will see you all when we return. 

Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Homework 1/21/09

Hello. Sorry that I missed class today. I had to leave early today due to the fact that I was compelled by an involuntary urge to regurgitate. However, I will be in tomorrow for the final. For the exam tomorrow, we will complete a two day AP diagnostic, similar to the one we took at the beginning of the class in September. I will then give you additional instructions for taking the exams home and grading them. To study, I would look back at your old diagnostics, look at your reference materials for literary devices, and be comfortable with your understanding of the language of the exam. Try to prepare for this one. 

I have to apologize for the delay in getting work back to you. I have everything graded, but I am locked out of my snapgrades due to my use of a non-network computer password breach. Once that is resolved, I will enter your grades and get your work back. I am hopeful to have that resolved today. Have a good night.

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Homework: 01/20

Good evening, I hope you all enjoyed the Inauguration today. Just a quick reminder to complete the story tonight. We will work in groups tomorrow to discuss some of the major points. I am collecting journals after class. Final on Thursday and Friday. Have a good night.

Saturday, January 17, 2009

Weekend Homework: 1/16 - 1/19

Hello. For this weekend I would like you to complete the first two parts to the book. I will try to post some questions later, but I am getting spotty internet service where I am. In addition, you should bring your paragraph for close reading one and your vocabulary from last week. On Tuesday, we will be going to the auditorium for the Obama Inauguration during 6th period. So, we will have a short class that day. We will complete Kafka next week and begin a new unit when we return from break. You should continue to work on your I.R. book project as that is due on the 26th, or sooner. We will resume AP prep on a more regular basis in semester two and I will begin to spend time on specific tasks from the exam. Have a good weekend. 

Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Homework: 01/14

Sorry for the late post. I taught PM school tonight, and my computer died. In any case, I would like you to complete the handout from today and read the next several pages. We will begin reading more each night soon. I want to start off slow with this book. Read until you reach the lines "... as he could now listen to the head clerk." Have a good night. 

Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Homework: 01/13

For this evening, I would like you to read - I mean, really read, closely - the two handouts from class today. They provide valuable background on Kafka and introduce us to the Existential framework we will use to examine The Metamorphosis. Do not be surprised if I administer a minor assessment on the readings. So, know the material. Also, please read the first few pages of the story. Read up the the paragraph that ends with "Still, it must be risked." We will have some discussion as well as begin to look at the text closely tomorrow. 

A reminder that all parts of the  I.R. are now due by the 26th. Please turn them in as soon as you finish. End of semester is the same day. Have a good night. 

Friday, January 9, 2009

Homework: 01/09 - 01/11

Hello. For this weekend I would like you to borrow or buy The Metamorphosis by Kafka. We will begin reading the story Next week. You should spend time this weekend really trying to get through your independent reading books and associated assignments. As a reminder, I changed the due dates for the I. R. to January 20th for all work. So, you do not need to give me journals this coming Monday. I hope this helps. The end of the semester is January 26th. We have two weeks. The final for our class is Thursday, January 22nd. I have not yet decided on task, but I assume it will be a full AP practice exam - writing and all. Have a good weekend. 

Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Homework 1/6/09

I hope you all enjoyed watching the film version of Heart of Darkness over the last two class periods. There is so much more that we can say about its cinematic qualities. Please bring in some observations for discussion tomorrow. They can be comparisons, contrasts, specific scenes, direction, themes, conflicts, quotes, etc. These will serve as a good springboard for discussing the film as it relates to the book. I will likely give you a journal on the film, so bring them to class tomorrow. 

Here are some things happening in the coming days/weeks:

1. Final thoughts on the film
2. Some discussion about The Stranger - possibly some in class activities.
3. Go over the multiple choice test you took before going on break. You should record percentages on your tracking sheet.
4. Henkel Visits Thursday period 6 - the entire period.
5. You need to buy/rent Kafka's Metamorphosis by Thursday - Friday at the latest. It is available as an online text to get started if need be. 
6. Texts I am hoping to get through - at least with some degree of depth:
a. The Bible - Selections
b. Hamlet - Play
c. Homer - The Odyssey
d. Oedipus 
e. Poetry - British
f. Kafka

Ambitious I know. We will see how it goes. Some texts will be examined more closely than others. 

Friday, January 2, 2009

Final thoughts - The Stranger

Hello. This will be the last post for the novel. I hope you all had a nice vacation. Here are some final thoughts/questions on the novel. 

Why does the narrator conclude that he and Marie will no longer mean anything to one another?

In the last paragraph of the novel Camus concludes with these words: "For the first time in  long time I thought about Maman ... I opened myself to the gentle indifference of the world." Why do you think he does this? How are they reflective of the passivity of Existentialism? 

What do you think the novel conveys about the nature of life? How does The Stranger further your understanding of Existentialism?

Thursday, January 1, 2009

Checking in

Hello. At this point you should be nearing the end of the assignment. I will post a few final thoughts and questions for the reading later today or tomorrow. Since I removed the questions from the assignment, I did not post a lot of questions for you. I am confident you found your way through the book and were able to form critical opinions of the text. Hope all is well. See you all Monday. Enjoy the last few days of vacation. They tend to go fast.