Wednesday, February 25, 2009


Good evening,

Thanks for enduring the tangential disquisition on conspiracy theories today. In the end, I believe the debate over authorship - while not critical in the ultimate enjoyment of the work - does have a place in class discussions. This academic debate has been raging for many years, and it is all part of an education. Occasionally, I take for granted that many of you have curiou, if not skeptical minds. Most intelligent people do. I hope it wasn't too painful. The moon landings ... well, I have no defense for that. It just interests me.

Tomorrow we will watch the conclusion of Shakespeare in Love. I hope you are finding it enjoyable. I consider it one of my favorite films. 

As per request, I am making all parts of your I.R. 3 due on March 16th. So, no journals on the 9th. Let me know if this poses a problem.

Mr. Marx will be in tomorrow to discuss the Hamlet trip. I have names and dates I will provide for you tomorrow. If you are no longer interested that is fine. If you are, "show me (really Marx) the money."

We will begin Hamlet soon. Bring your books.

Good night.

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