Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Homework - 2/10

For this evening, you should take a few minutes to look over the handouts from class and look at the play through a psychoanalytic perspective. In thinking about the story, you should try to provide analysis based on a psychological evaluation of the characters. For example, Oedipus could have abandonment issues. Jocasta could have memory repression issues. After all, she did abandon a child - Oedipus. This is an event that could stay with someone for the rest of his/her life, and one we might want to forget. Jocasta has to live with what she did, and Oedipus as well. Is their behavior understandable? In addition, Jocasta denounces oracles in one scene and prays at the altar to Apollo in another. What is the psychology behind this behavior? We can mask our sorrow, but it is still there. How do the characters act as a result of their personality traits? If you did not complete this in class, you should do so at home tonight. We will do a little more with Freud tomorrow.

Make sure that you are keeping up with the work. The semester moves quickly.

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