Thursday, March 19, 2009

Homework 3/19

First of all, I want to thank Judith, Jasmine, Lorin, and Priyal. They gave an excellent presentation and ran a lively and informative class discussion. You really set the bar high. The next group will present Act 4 scenes, 1,2,&3 on Monday.

For tonight, please read 4.1. We will not discuss Hamlet in class tomorrow. Rather, we will do reading logs for the first part of the class and the second half will be spent on a 37 question multiple choice diagnostic based on Hamlet. So, please bring your logs and be prepared to work. I am not offering a free period, but rather a chance to use class time to get caught up on your Hamlet logs. I may even try to do writing conferences during period 5. 

Still many who have not paid the AP fee. Please see me if you cannot pay it tomorrow. Have a good night. NCAA tournament started today. Enjoy.

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