Saturday, March 28, 2009

Weekend Homework: 3/28/-3/29

For this weekend, I would like you to read act 5 scene 1. There is a group presenting Monday, and I have asked Mr. Marx to come in and lead a class discussion on the scene. So, please be prepared with ideas, questions, and comments, as Marx is doing this as a favor, and on his time off. So, let's be prepared.

Thanks to all who came out to the play last night. I hope you enjoyed it. My class was extremely mature and responsible and excellent representatives of the school. For those who will see it next week, I think it will be an enjoyable experience for you. It is a treat to see these classically trained actors perform these rich scenes live and a mere eight feet away. 

We will finish up Hamlet next week, and then re-visit some key scenes and and focus on some key ideas from the play. I will have some handouts as well as some additional information for us to review. We will also, begin to look forward to the poetry unit and more focus on the exam. We are definitely winding down. Have a good weekend.

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