Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Homework 3/10

For this evening, I would like you to read 2.1 and look at the scene closely for class discussion. Beginning tomorrow, I will assign the first several groups scenes for interpretation and performance. I am considering revising the plan, as some have expressed an issue with performance based assignments. We will discuss tomorrow.

A few things to mention. The next I.R. book will not be assigned until after Hamlet. I know I used the words "shortly thereafter," but I did intend to wait. However, I do intend to get through Hamlet in a timely manner. The current I.R. assignment is due next week. 

Finally, a few thoughts. I know the end of the year is approaching and many of you are feeling the effects of spring fever. However, there is still plenty of work left to do. We have to prepare for the AP exam, finish Hamlet, a poetry unit, and other assignments to wind down the year. I see a lot of you "slacking" and I am going to request that you re-evaluate your priorities. Some distractions are expected, but there is a pervasive sense of indifference and entitlement taking over the class, and it really needs to discontinue. I am paying the price for treating the class as a college level course with flexible policies and procedures. I realize that it all starts with me, thus, I will make alterations as I see fit. Here are a few things to be addressed:

1. Excessive lateness 
2. Off task when working in groups
3. Long breaks. You - like all other students - get five minutes; not ten. If you cannot get                done what you need in that time, then do not attempt it.
4. Side conversations while I, or others, are talking.
5. Excessive absences.
6. Excessively leaving the class to take care of "college items," "other needs," school and                   non-school related.  

Let me introduce new policies for all:

1. Lateness is not acceptable and will not be tolerated. Your grade will be impacted.
    Please sign the late log when entering the class late.
2. 5 minute breaks. No longer. You must leave the room and return within that time    
            period. You do not have time to go to the store. Bring what you need.
3. You must ask to leave the room. Do not just walk out.

Lastly, I feel that the privileges that I've given you have been abused, and so I am taking them away. I apologize to those who have continued to honor and respect the system and the class by doing the responsible thing. Thank you. I really do not want to turn this into a regular class, but I feel I have no choice, but to enforce the rules with which all students must comply. Yes, that means AP students as well. Remember, this is not personal and I enjoy teaching your class, but I cannot, and will not, have students taking advantage of my good nature and flexibility. Thank you for your cooperation in the matter. I will address specific situations with specific people. Please feel free to see me personally with any individual concerns regarding this.

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