Tuesday, March 3, 2009

HW 3/3/09


I hope you all enjoyed today's lesson. Mr. Marx really has an energy and enthusiasm for Hamlet. I asked Marx to come in to help kick off the play, and he did not disappoint. Thanks for your participation as well. It was enjoyable. 

For this evening, I would like you to read 1.2. In class tomorrow, we will have an opportunity to discuss the text itself. Unfortunately, as and AP class we have to consider the text from a literary standpoint with the emphasis on reading to write. We will, however, incorporate some of the theatrical strategies to help understand the play and its characters.

Ms. Yuen and Ms. Byrd will be in on Thursday to collect for the AP exams. Please bring your money (86 bucks, I believe) to school with you. Thanks again. We will work on the play tomorrow. Have a pleasant evening.

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