Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Homework 4/7

Good evening. For tonight, I would like you to read William Wordsworth's "Lines Composed a Few Miles Above Tintern Abbey" (link provided). Please read the poem and use today's handout as a guide to understanding the basics. You should print it out and analyze it for meaning, paying special attention to the use of literary devices. Be prepared to discuss the poem with a partner and as a whole group tomorrow. In addition, we may  get a chance to work with the Hamlet essays in class.

When we return from break, I am going to assign additional poems by each author. Your job will be to locate, print, and read three additional poems by each author we explore in class. You will keep a journal of these poems and analyze each. I will provide you with a handout on the assignment when we return. Since we have read William Blake, you should begin by finding three additional poems by him and read them over the break. I will discuss in class tomorrow. 

In addition, I will once again put you in groups, and your group will be responsible for leading a class discussion on an author and one or two of his/her poems. Again, this will begin after the break.

Finally, for break homework, you will be reading Frankenstein. I will provide you with links and criticism. Your assignment will be a two page essay that will be due the day we return from spring break. This will be provided within the first few days of the vacation.

have a good night

1 comment:

Unknown said...

So,well, can you tell us the prompt to the essay since it's difficult to read the novel without knowing what I should specifically be noting and looking for. Thankyou.