Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Update 10/1

Hello all, I must apologize for not posting earlier. I hope you had an enjoyable break over the last two days, or if you are celebrating the holiday, I hope it was a nice one for you and your families. 

I decided to allow you to have a couple days to work on making corrections on your college essays, and to consider a book for your independent reading. I would like to collect college essays on Friday. After which, I would like each of you to schedule an appointment to see me for a personal conference on your writing. At that point you will have to revise your essay and a due date will be set. Since everyone will have a different meeting time, essay due dates will vary. 

For tomorrow we will work in groups to discuss Hawthorne's short story. I didn't want to schedule another story before we discussed that one. 

1 comment:

Anonymous said...


Can I schedule an appointment first because I kinda need this essay complete by like the end of next week.
Also does this mean that our group wil do our short story next week?