Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Homework 10/21

For tonight, I would like you to work on your short stories. Thinking about the dates, I would like a rough draft of your story to be ready Monday 10/27. This gives you a little time to work on them. I would like you to brainstorm some ideas this evening. What do you want to say? Is there a particular theme that you would like to convey? Do you have an idea for an interesting character? Is there story you have always wanted to tell? We will spend some time writing in class, but continue to work on these at home. 

For the novel, I have chosen Invisible Man. It is a relevant book, that makes sense for us. Please feel free to purchase a copy if you like to keep your books and mark in them. I will also work in Heart of Darkness, but more on that later. We will begin some pre-reading activities tomorrow and hand out the books for those that choose not to buy it. 

As far as the multiple choice, we will do some more practice and go over some of the questions you got wrong. Don't worry too much if you did poorly on this one; it was a bit harder. 

Some things I need to give you: the dates for the "Tale of Two Cities," Reading schedule for the novel, additional handouts for the written part of the AP exam. A lot to do I know...

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