Friday, October 10, 2008

Weekend homework: 10/11 - 10/14

For this weekend's homework, there are several things that need to be done. First, complete the timed write on P.O.V. Make sure to give yourself 40 minutes and stop at that point. It does you no good to write longer. Next, you should read Oates' story, "Where are you going, Where have you been." Zineb's group is presenting. Finally, Maggie asked about the first part of the independent reading assignment that is due on the 14th. I forgot that we do not have school Monday . So, here it is. It is a simple task. You need to provide the following:

1. Author
2. Title
3. Publisher and year
4. Your page breakdown of the five sections
5. Your schedule for completing each section

Do your best on this. It is not complicated. 

One last thing about the two trips we talked about today in class. If you are interested in going to the play for 30 dollars, let me know on this post (or in class if you prefer). 

The other trip we discussed in class is a great opportunity if anyone is interested. I know that it is a lot of money, but it might be something to consider. I found out today that it is not necessary to get school permission and parents can come. The cost might be more like 2500, but that includes most of what you will need. They also provide fundraiser ideas if we want to o that route. If you are even remotely interested let me know here. There are other trips that include more countries. In the end, we don't have to do it, but it is worth considering. Let me know what you think.

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