Friday, September 26, 2008

Weekend homework: 9/26 - 9/28

For this weekend let's work on those college essays, as the first draft is due on Monday. You should also read Hawthorne's story, "Young Goodman Brown." I will post the link to the story on the literature links. Enjoy

Other things to expect:

We will have an opportunity to do some peer editing on our college essays Monday. I will hand out the independent reading assignment sheet as well as the literary key terms I promised you. 
Several short stories slated for next week. I want to work in some multiple choice and timed writes as well. Remember, we have a short week next week, so a lot to do in short period of time. I will try to remember to bring in books from the authors we have read. Okay, have a good weekend. 

Delis, do you still want Gordimer's,  July People?

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