Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Homework 11/19

Hello. Tonight I would like you to read chapter 17 in the novel. We will not have an opportunity to discuss in class, so please make sure that you take notes for discussion on Friday.

I do feel that it is incumbent upon me to mention something. As I look around the room, I see more and more students with their heads down, or outright sleeping. While I realize that we are keeping late hours of late, there is never an excuse for sleeping in your classes. It is rude inappropriate. I find that I am allowing my AP class to do things that I would never allow in my other classes. While I tend to give you more freedom and approach your class with a level of flexibility not afforded other classes, I believe that this is doing you a disservice. Sleeping in a college course will deeply offend professors and tarnish your reputation as a serious, dedicated student. In addition, as interesting as I am, why would any of you be anything other than riveted and captivated by my lectures. And if you aren't, you should pretend that you are. Since I have been accused of late of not having a "heart," I do not want to call anyone out in front of the class. Please make every effort to get your rest at home, and come to school rested and prepared to work. Part of life is putting on a smile and pretending to enjoy something even when you don't.

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