Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Homework: 11/18

Hello, for tonight, please read chapter 16 for homework. Tomorrow we will discuss the chapter and talk briefly about the midterm on Thursday. 

I know that many of you are still working diligently to complete you college application requirements. I do understand that this is a chaotic and emotionally draining time for you. However, I do want to make sure that we are giving the required attention and time to the novel. It is an important novel, and I would hate to think that we aren't doing it justice. Please make sure that you are annotating the novel and taking the time to consider the text in an analytical way. You should - at the very least - be prepared each day to discuss the text in a critical and sophisticated manner. Also, I really need more people to contribute to the class discussions. I am working on a way to get more of you involved. That will follow soon. 

For those who have fallen a little behind, all I ask is for you to make an earnest effort to get the assignments completed and turned in at your earliest convenience. If that cannot happen before Thanksgiving, then perhaps that weekend will provide you with the requisite time to do so. 

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