Now, after you have accomplished the above, you need to focus on the work for your classes. Like you, I fully intend to enjoy the weekend, however, I also have to shift focus and utilize the time off to get caught up on my grading, lessons, and calculating marking period grades. The lives of teachers and students aren't easy, and the workload never seems to ease - at least not until June.
To that end, I will spend much of my time working. I would like you to do the same. Rather than assign additional work, which would render you further behind, I would like you to focus on getting your work for AP Lit caught up. If you are missing assignments, complete them. The only thing that I will require of you is to complete the book. I can accept late assignments until Monday, but no later. My grades are due Tuesday. I am going to enter in your independent reading assignment grade as is. If you are missing the questions, you miss 100 points. If you turn them in late, I will give you credit - late points deducted.
Next week, we will have a final assignment, a close reading, and final discussions about the themes. You will also have a timed write and a multiple choice diagnostic. We will also begin a new book, assign more reading cards, and begin another independent reading assignment. A lot to do I know. Let's get caught up and begin fresh next week. As Pope said, "Hope springs eternal in the human breast." Truer words have rarely been spoken.