Friday, December 26, 2008

More Questions/Thoughts

Here are some other points to consider:

1. How is the novel existential in nature? Can you make connections? 
2. "If you go slowly, you risk getting sunstroke.  But if you go too fast, you work up a sweat and then catch a chill inside the church. She was right. There was no way out." How is this quote representative of the existential mood permeating the novel?
3. How do Salamano's responses to marriage and life, reflect the narrator's philosophy on life? Is the narrator an extension of Camus or merely a removed, lead character in the novel?
5. Last line of chapter 6, "And it was like knocking four quick times on the door of unhappiness." What is the meaning here? What does the statement indicate about most human actions in life?
6. What elements of existentialism are darkly and discernibly evident in the passage about Salamano and his dog in chapter 3?

These are some random questions to consider from various parts of the book. You can use them as a guide. I will post other questions soon. Hope all is well.


Unknown said...

so i finished reading the book and only found 5 vocab. words....... where am i supposed to find 15 more?!

happy holidays!

David Falciani said...

Well, I suppose your vocabulary skills are advanced. Are there any words that you know, but aren't entirely certain of their meaning? If not, find words from your independent book, or words that you do not know, but would like to.