Friday, September 26, 2008

Weekend homework: 9/26 - 9/28

For this weekend let's work on those college essays, as the first draft is due on Monday. You should also read Hawthorne's story, "Young Goodman Brown." I will post the link to the story on the literature links. Enjoy

Other things to expect:

We will have an opportunity to do some peer editing on our college essays Monday. I will hand out the independent reading assignment sheet as well as the literary key terms I promised you. 
Several short stories slated for next week. I want to work in some multiple choice and timed writes as well. Remember, we have a short week next week, so a lot to do in short period of time. I will try to remember to bring in books from the authors we have read. Okay, have a good weekend. 

Delis, do you still want Gordimer's,  July People?

Wednesday, September 24, 2008

My absence 9/25

For tomorrow - if you're reading this tonight - you need to read Jackson's story, "The Lottery." You should do so in small groups. I am not sure if this is in all editions of Perrine's, so I have added the link here. Please come prepared with the story and ready to discuss. Have a good day. Vocabulary Friday.

Monday, September 22, 2008

Some thoughts on upcoming work

At this point you need to be aware of what ongoing assignments are happening now and their due dates:

Independent reading book - you should have chosen, or be in the process of choosing, a book by a short story author we read in class. This project will be due in approximately three weeks. More to follow on the assignment and the actual date.

Small group presentation - You will be scheduled for this in the near future. I am always looking for volunteers. 

College essay - First drat is due on Monday 9/29. No exceptions. 

Homework 9/22

For tonight's homework, please read "A Rose for Emily." I have a attached a copy of the story for you in the literature links. Please come up with some questions for the presenters tomorrow. Tomorrow Delis and her group will present. Not sure who the others are. Sorry. 

Friday, September 19, 2008

Homework: 9/19 - 9/21

For homework this weekend, please read "Hills Like White Elephants." It may not be in your book so I will post it in the links. You should also choose a story you have not written about and begin to prepare it for a timed write. By preparing you should read or re-read it. Make notes, highlight, underline, etc., in order to understand how the literary elements function within the text. This will be on character. 

Also, I am posting an article by Peggy Noonan. She is a prolific writer for the Wall Street Journal and NYT. It is not required, but feel free to read it if you are interested. It is a good idea to begin to become familiar with specific writers of op-ed pieces and non-fiction. 

Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Homework: 9/16

Please read "Gooseberries" and consider the theme(s) of the story. Also, the group presenting tomorrow should prepare for the presentation. Thanks. Group presenting is Janard, Daniel, Chris and Ronald.

Monday, September 15, 2008

Homework: 9/15

Read "Once Upon a Time." Work on the vocabulary. Answer questions 1, 4, and 6.

Friday, September 12, 2008

Weekend Homework: 9/12 - 9/14

For this writing assignment, I would like you to choose a story that we read, or one that you have read outside of class, and write a 500 word essay on how the author uses plot/structure to convey meaning to the reader. In other words, how does the plot/structure function within the story to contribute to the overall meaning? Good Luck. Have a great weekend. Please note; this is not plot summary. I want you to discuss how it functions as a literary element. 

Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Homework: 9/9

Please Read "Interpreter of Maladies" for homework. Consider the importance of tone as you read. What are the various connotations of maladies in the story? Who is sick? How are the maladies presented? Look for specific details as you think about tone of the descriptions.

Friday, September 5, 2008

Weekend Homework 9/6 - 9/7


I have listed - as a link - one of my favorite poems by T.S. Eliot. I believe that two of the saddest lines in all of poetry exist within this poem. Perhaps you will agree. Perhaps you can guess what they are. For homework, please read the poem and annotate the poem to the best of your ability. Discuss Eliot's use of figurative language and how it impacts the work as a whole. Is there a theme or idea you found? Come to class Monday prepared to discuss it in small groups and as a class. First and foremost, enjoy it. Have a great weekend. 

Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Welcome to AP Literature


I want to tell you how excited I am to work with you this year in AP Literature. I am eager to get started and look forward to reading and discussing some great literature throughout the next 10 months. Let's start a dialogue. Please sign in and leave a comment. Thanks.